"If it's provable we can kill it."
Or, things are different now
Published on July 7, 2005 By EmperorofIceCream In Politics
Like many others, I had no kind or charitable thoughts for America in the immediate aftermath of 9/11. I was shocked but not surprised, and to me it seemed that an inevitability had come to pass that flowed naturally from the policies of the American government. Despite my lifelong love affair with the idea of America I had little idea of what America is, and like every other European I was deeply cynical about American sincerity, American generosity, American faith, American self-confidence.

I watched the people leaping from the burning Towers and the only word that came to mind was "suits..." What I felt was that kind of satisfaction the Germans refer to as 'schadenfreude' - delight in the misfortune of others and, though I would not have admitted it then, the motivation of that delight was envy and resentment.

I confess, I smiled as I watched them fall.

Cut to this morning, and the images on our TV screen here in Richmond, live from London, a city I lived in for nine years. Filthy, bloody figures, staggering in confusion. An eviscerated double-decker, one of the big rectangular ones that I used to ride every day to school. It would have been filled with people I knew and understood, with whom I found myself compellingly involved, 3500 miles away in a duplex in Virginia.

And suddenly there was another connection, as shocking, as compelling, to that instant in which I watched a man fling himself from a burning, collapsing building, to fall to his death. To that instant in which I smiled. I remembered my delight, and was filled with shame.

No policy of the American government, no act of the American government, justified what was done on 9/11. No act of the British government, no involvement in any conflict anywhere in the world, justifies what happened today to the people on that double-decker, or those riding the London tube.

And no argument for free speech or personal rights and liberties should stand in the way of the British government pursuing the perpertrators of the attacks against London with all the aggression, hositility, and relentless malice that the British are capable of.

Find them. Kill them. Kill those who shelter and aid them. Torture, with every means available, those who know where they are but will not give them up. Send more troops to Iran and Afghanistan, and root out every element of so-called 'radical' Islam wherever it is found in those countries.

Recognise that every Muslim already behind British and American borders is potentially an enemy willing to die so long as he can kill one of us first - and treat every goddamn one of them accordingly, as a threat to be controlled and contained, where it can't be directly eliminated.

And do not talk to me about your Islam being peaceful and moderate - not unless you are going to decry these crimes, and voluntarily work with the authorities to root out these 'radicals' who have 'stolen' your religion. If they've stolen it, go get it back - or be prepared to be viewed with suspicion and distrust by the non-muslims around you, and to face their hostility.

America is my country now, and I give to her, and every American, an apology for the resentment, envy, and mistrust that led me to smile as I watched innocent Americans die. Just as I owe the connection I feel to those people who died today, who lost someone today, who sits in horrible anxiety and dread today in London, waiting for someone to come home, to the evil acts of a handful of fanatics.

I will not say that I am grateful to them. I will say that I am grateful for the fact that I am able to feel shame, that I am human enough to sympathise with innocents murdered by madmen, man enough to want to kick someone's ass, and still English enough to want revenge for what was done in London today.

I cannot forget the image of that shredded double-decker. There would have been children on it, and old ladies, and lovers, and men going to work. Years ago, I was one of them.

No matter where I go, no matter which country I give my allegiance to, some part of me is fundamentally and undeniably English. Strangely, it has taken a journey halfway round the world, and murder in a far away city, for me to remember this.

Now I have, I will not forget.

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on Jul 07, 2005
. appearance dot
on Jul 07, 2005
I confess, I smiled as I watched them fall. Ok I'm trying to figure out if you're truly a dark soul like you sound like. I could have nothing but sympathy because the 'suits' you were laughing about was what hit me hard. Just ordinary people like anyone else, could have been you or I, a guy with his suit tie flapping in the air as he fell. That image will stay in my psyche forever no doubt.
And on the other hand you now go from laughing at tragedy to wanting to see people killed killed kill them all kill kill kill them kill kill. Like it's going to make anything better. Sadly, the only thing it would do is transfer your sheer delight in Americans dying in agony to dark skinned Arabs dying in agony. I'm sure some hawks will welcome you to the fraternity. They'll tell you it's ok as long as now, you are with them. It's ridiculous but it's true. But I would like it known to your future welcomers that you're apparent anger is not in any way related to finding some long-lost respect for the US. You're not onside now because of you suddenly seeing the light and now wish to make anything right. You're desire to kill proves that easily. No. You're using this event in a purely selfish self-centered-I've-been-wronged way. You've been inconvenienced. The falseflag event hit so close to your abode, to your way of life. Don't be so petty as to think you're doing something good, what with your new-found desire to kill Muslims. You're depraved indifference to Americans is now extended to include the dark middle eastern folks. And please don't make an ass of yourself and claim that you now respect Americans and do not respect other groups. Your joy, yes self-stated joy at watching Americans leap from the WTC's is clear evidence you do not have the capacity to truly respect Americans now. Anyone who thinks you're turning a new leaf has only one thing to think of, though I know none ever will: for someone to trust you're new conversion you would have had to say something more along the lines of "I was fascinated by them jumping to their deaths" or "even though I knew it was awful it was still exiting in a generally-accepted morbid way" or something with an ounce of humanity or at least an ounce of real human element to it. Some can be drawn to the morbid and that can be ok, but to laugh and say you were laughing and to say you know why you were laughing and that you still laughed, that's not someone who's drawn to the darker side of reality. It's the words of someone who is depraved and has no human compassion whatsoever. Don't anyone be fooled by thinking you've turned a new leaf. You've done nothing more than transfer your mundane inhuman characteristics onto another group of the same specie. That's nothing to applaud. It's a time for humanistic mourning, and you squander the chance just to satisfy some lust you have to kill people.
on Jul 07, 2005
Wow, Reiki. Very well said.
on Jul 07, 2005

While I don't agree with everything you say here, I think a lot of people (Americans included) just thought of those people jumping from windows on 9/11 were "just suits", after all, they work in the World Trade Center. However, what people forget is that suits and coveralls alike, they were fathers, mothers, husbands, wives, brothers, sisters and favorite uncles. They were breadwinners, and "extra cash" earners... and they were from many different coutries. Those killed by the bacteria today were just like those in the WTC, Murrah Federal Building (Oklahoma City), Marine Barracks in Beirut, Sailors aboard the U.S.S. Cole, The Night Club in Bali, the civilians in Afghanistan & Iraq. They are targets of bacteria. A bacteria that needs to be exterminated as we would the microbes in an infected mole on our butts before it starts to fester and destroy the healthy life around it.

Sometimes our greatest lessons come with a full helping of shame. The shame is left behind us, but the lessons learned never should!!
on Jul 07, 2005
Shame on you for speaking ill will towards RH's beloved terrorists.
on Jul 07, 2005
I confess, I smiled as I watched them fall.

Dude, got to admit. Kinda cold. But, as we go through life, our views change. Sorry it took this to cause your epiphany.

But I guess, Welcome? From an American.

on Jul 07, 2005
And please don't make an ass of yourself and claim that you now respect Americans and do not respect other groups.

Sometimes a horrific act has to hit very close to home before one realizes the error of their ways. However, RH, I doubt you will ever see how wrong you are even if the horrific act is one that involves an axe and your forehead.

I don't think that turning over a new leaf is any thing more than an instant reaction, but who am I to judge? I hope this is the start of an understanding of what the US went through.

RH, I have really tried to understand you. I just can't do it. I can only hope for the day you decide to stop writing. You are the ultimate disseminator of hate.
on Jul 07, 2005
I confess, I smiled as I watched them fall. Ok I'm trying to figure out if you're truly a dark soul like you sound like.

Strange Reiki House, when I read that line here, the first thing I thought of was YOU. At least EmporerofIceCream has come to his senses and realized his shame. The blood of Coalition troops is still thick on your teeth from your last gorging over reports of their deaths.

This attack from the bacteria in London should keep you full for at least a day or two!!!
on Jul 07, 2005
No apology necessary, imho. Your feelings are yours, and the damage done is done to you.

The key I think is when we let anger drown out sympathy for innocent victims. That's how terrorists are able to commit these acts, and, frankly, how we are able to stomach "collateral damage" when we strike back.

It's an ideological pit people fall in, I do it as much as anyone else. How much of your own hate you can stomach is, I think anyway, what separates us from these cretins. Eventually we get queasy and say "Enough is enough", like you did, and like some people now feel about the Iraq war.

I differ with them, but I can see that at least their perspective is demonstrative of the sympathy that terrorists lack. If we let them destroy our civilization, they win. If we let them put us in a state like you were in on 9-11, they win then, too.

We have to remember that their goal is to remake the world in their image. To sit and smile while people fall from buildings is a long way in that direction. I'm glad you've finally reached your threshold. That is what they don't consider, our INHERENT sympathy, which they seem to lack.
on Jul 07, 2005
"Strange Reiki House, when I read that line here, the first thing I thought of was YOU"
Yeah and my thoughtful statement truly shows how misjudging you are towards me. I had nothing but sympathy for those people since they all died while being caught up in events they could never have hoped to imagine let alone have time to understand. I hope you can say you've learned something today. Sorry if it has to be about me, but it's new knowledge nonetheless. I am not a silly fool. I don't have joy while watching others suffer. That's where the misguided misunderstand me. Like the sorry to say asshole who says they're my beloved terrorists. The stupid shithead thinks unilaterally as usual. I love no one but my family. I speak for no one but the truth. But the weaker mentalities can't see that. They take sides which dooms them to continuance of their wrong thinking. I don't say the US kills entire families with indiscriminate bombing because I like Arabs or Iraqis or terrorists. I say it because it's irrefutalbe that the event occurred.
on Jul 07, 2005
Sad you had to be hit so bad to understand.
on Jul 07, 2005
Reiki every piece of filth that falls from your mind is a lie. You feel nothing but contempt for freedom except your own and you relish in the death of anyone at the hands of your beloved bacteria.

Just rot you festering insect.
on Jul 07, 2005
"But the weaker mentalities can't see that."


...you are a seriously creepy person. Do you realize how much of your idealogies seem to bleed out when you try and speak normally?

P.S. Sorry, EoIC, I'm not trying to divert.
on Jul 07, 2005

I won't forget our conversation this morning.  I won't forget today either. 

I can understand your thought process on 9/11, because I came from that part of the world too.  It wasn't until I got here and saw that I slowly changed my stance on America and her way of life.

Today kicked me in the ass.  No-one but you and yours can seem to understand why.

on Jul 07, 2005
Emperor, an interesting and well-written post. When tragedy strikes "home," wherever home is, it becomes real. There were many people who saw the World Trade Center attack as something that happened to "them." But, ah, when tragedy happens to "us"...well, that is different.

And we all have felt this way, to one degree or another. Our ability to sympathize is derived from the degree to which we can relate to the victim. If the violence had happened in Tokyo or Riyadh or Tehran or Darfur....would any of us feel exactly the same? If the victims were a different color or a different race or even a different religion?

Anyone that says that they would feel EXACTLY the same is either very naive or very saintly.

I am curious as to how you feel about the Israelis, now that you understand the violence and the threat of violence that they must live with everyday?

The book of Exodus says that when the army of the Egyptians was drowned at the Red Sea, the angels began to sing. God chastised them by saying "How can you sing when my children are dying!"
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