"If it's provable we can kill it."
EmperorofIceCream's Articles In Politics » Page 2
June 19, 2005 by EmperorofIceCream
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August 4, 2006 by EmperorofIceCream
There's a useful history of terrorst strikes against America and her interests in the copy of Human Events for the week of July 31st 2006. ( Link ) I won't force those suffering from an aversion to Ann Coulter to read the article - these are the relevant details - but technically speaking this is not an actual quote. I've edited what she has to say in the interest of what I have to say; but I'm very happy to give the Diva of the Right full credit for everything enclosed in quotation ma...
July 26, 2006 by EmperorofIceCream
Here's a couple of things you won't find on Fox or CNN: ( Link ) and ( Link ) Why are we fighting a war on two fronts at once, in Iraq and Afghanistan (ask the Germans about that - they tried it twice in the last century and failed miserably and catastrophically each time), and at the same time allowing Israel to stir up a hornet's nest of rage and racial hatred in a region of vital interest to us? I believe some comedian or other recently pointed out that America has poured milli...
July 23, 2006 by EmperorofIceCream
Rightwinger, with whom I normally sympathise, recently posted an article ( Link ) concerning the current conflict in Lebanon. What follows is the comment I posted on that thread. Since I took a profoundly anti-Israeli, anti-Christian stance, I fully expect Rightwinger to delete my response from his thread (as he has every right to do). However, I am so incensed, so angered and revolted by the gist of what he had to say, so profoundly and utterly disgusted by the responses of KFC in parti...
June 8, 2006 by EmperorofIceCream
Abu al-Zarqawi died, George Washington met him at the Pearly Gates. He slapped him across the face and yelled, "How dare you try to destroy the nation I helped conceive!" Patrick Henry approached, punched him in the nose and shouted, "You wanted to end our liberties but you failed!" James Madison followed, kicked him in the groin and said, "This is why I allowed our government to provide for the common defense!" Thomas Jefferson was next, beat al-Zarqawi with a long cane and snarled "I...
February 12, 2006 by EmperorofIceCream
Sometime back in the late 70s or early 80s it was decided by then UK premiere, Margaret Thatcher (that bag of vile middle class prejudice) that the best way to halt the violence of the IRA and the 'loyalist' paramilitaries was to deny them what she called the 'oxygen of publicity'. In practice, this turned out to mean that Jerry Adams, president of Sinn Fein (the political organ of the IRA) could be shown on British TV, he could be shown to be speaking to the camera - but his voice could not ...
February 4, 2006 by EmperorofIceCream
I've always believed, profoundly, that the principles of natural selection apply as much to the evolution of political societies as they do to the evolution of biological organisms. War is the architect of human society, and has been for at least the last ten thousand years of human sociability, since the first villages came together to defend crops and herd animals from nomadic hunter-gatherers - and from those of other villages who were not averse to supplementing their wealth, their presti...
December 29, 2005 by EmperorofIceCream
Let's start with a few basic points. This article is written from the point of view of a Civil Authoritarian - not a fascist, not a communist, not a socialist - a Civil Authoritarian. In my view the State has primacy over the individual and is subject to no law but it's own. I reject out of hand any counter-arguments made on the basis of some mythical body of 'international law'. 'International Law' is a myth because the only supra-national body with even a remote claim to being able to enfor...
December 17, 2005 by EmperorofIceCream
Let's imagine that a World Revolution has taken place (unlikely I know). And let's further imagine that, as a consequence, I have been made Universal Dictator and Lord Paramount of All Creation (even more unlikely, but still, let's imagine...). Here I am, on the first day of the New Era, snug as a bug in a rug on my Throne of Perpetual Rule contemplating what to do next. The first thing I'd do is annihilate, dissolve, and forever do away with any ordinance whether local, national, or inter...
November 12, 2007 by EmperorofIceCream
What is the State? The State is an instrument of wider society. It's defining characteristic is possession of a monopoly on all forms of violence. The State has no morality, it has no purpose other than the perpetuation and extension of its own existence, and it has no conscience. Neither has it any rival. The State is not the government. In American terms the government is best described as 'The Administration'. The State is composed of Offices and Institutions. 'The Administration' is co...
June 10, 2007 by EmperorofIceCream
It's two days after our latest trip to Norfolk and the Immigration and Naturalization Office there. It's a day after finally being able to renew my driver's license - despite a couple of (to me) heart-stopping moments in which the DMV clerk wandered vacantly away, carrying my passport and its latest endorsement - the one that says I'm legal for another year. Here is an example of the contorted and contracted bureaucratic thinking that, if I dwell on it for any length of time is liable to m...
April 10, 2007 by EmperorofIceCream
Today Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of Iran, announced that his country has the ability, now, to process uranium on an 'industrial scale'. ( Link ) Ari Larijani, Iranian chief diplomat, claims that there are now 3000 centifuges installed at the Natanz nuclear facility. 3000 centifuges means that in nine months Iran could possess enough highly enriched uranium to create a warhead . Naturally, as the linked article reports, everyone from the US state department to the IAEA is denying ...
March 30, 2007 by EmperorofIceCream
Link You'd think, considering the state of American-Iranian relations since the Ayatollahs came to power, that America would be right up there at the top of the Mullah's 'countries we love to hate list'. Nope. America is the Great Satan, but whenever some crisis threatens Iran it's always Britain, the 'Little Satan' or the 'Old Coloniser', that's seen as the Moving Hand of all things sinister and malign. Britain has been involved in the affairs of Afghanistan (where British troops are...
March 9, 2007 by EmperorofIceCream
How many of you, I wonder, know about the event in British history referred to by the English as the Glorious (glorious because bloodless) Revolution? How many of you know that the English fought their own Civil War, over issues of religious toleration, orthodoxy and the role of Parliament in relation to the Crown? The fighting concluded in 1660. But the Civil War didn't end until 1668, when William of Orange became King of England as the conclusion to the Revolution. He accepted the claims o...
January 13, 2007 by EmperorofIceCream
The most straightforward argument I can think of for 'unthinking', 'unquestioning' support on the part of Britain for America is simply this: without American support there would be no Britain. Without the support of America during WW2 there would, now, be no 'English-speaking' people outside of America. Hitler's Germany would have swallowed us whole - as it very nearly did. Britain owes to America its national life - and this is not a debt that can ever be repaid. That being so, the decis...