Or, sucker it ain't what you think it is
The final solution?
Treat every citizen as a citizen without regard to skin color, ethnic heritage, sexual orientation or practice, gender orientation - or any other of the various designations used to seperate Americans into their respective ghettoes. Treat religion as a matter of private conscience - which means removing every trace of religious practice or dogma from the life of the Federal State. Every trace; no exceptions, no favoritism, no pandering to the Muslims, the Jews, the Christians or any other sect.
Treating citizens as citizens means treating them with complete equality before the law - and the law ought to be blind to such precious and at the same time unutterably petty concerns as skin color and who you have sex with (as a legal adult). By treating citizens simply as citizens you would at once dispose of the evil nonsense of 'affirmative action'. You would at a stroke remove the grotesque spectacle of American sexual paranoia from the Public Square and return it to where it properly belongs - the bedroom. And by removing the question of religion from the Public to the private realm, you would make good the claim that there is real separation between religious dogma and politics in this country, a claim which at present is no more than hysterical hypocrisy.
By treating citizens as citizens, and actively encouraging citizens to see themselves in that light instead of as representatives of their particular ghetto, you would overcome the racial and ethnically-inspired paralysis in government that so bedevils questions of border control. The issue could be addressed directly and rationally, rather than being filtered through the terror of losing racial-bloc votes, which is the real issue behind the failure of both Republican and Democrat parties to do anything meaningful at all in regard to illegal immigration.
By treating citizens as citizens and making voting an entitlement solely of citizens, the question of how many illegals will vote in any election becomes meaningless. If they can't vote you don't have to worry about alienating them. By preventing illegals from voting and denying them a voice in American politics you give them a real incentive to become citizens. By denying them recognition as being in any way entitled to provision by the State, you prevent them from parasitizing both health care and education, and you once again provide a serious disincentive to illegal immigration, as well as a positive incentive to legal immigration.
By treating citizens as citizens, equal before laws that take into account only whether you are a) a citizen and
guilty of an offence (not why you did it but whether you did it), you draw the sting from the culturally poisonous American obsession with 'ethnic heritage' - and with it the so-called debate over 'reparations for slavery'. Your ancestors were slaves - but you are a citizen. Your ancestors are dead and can receive no reparations - you have the benefits of citizenship and do not suffer in any way that requires reparations. Nor can you receive reparations on behalf of the dead, because you were never a part of the experience for which you claim reparations should be paid, and while there may be a heritage of memories associated with that experience in which you participate, that experience and those memories can never be yours except vicariously.
Those who claim that reparations should be paid to the decendants of dead slaves are self-pitying frauds who have no understanding that citizenship is itself a proper and sufficient 'reparation'. You have what was denied to them and you have it by right. And if that's not enough, too bad.
America claims to be a Republic created through law and governed by law. The final solution to the 'race problem' in America, as it is to many others, is to make that claim real.