Or, what are you bitching about? You're all as mad as the ragheads
It occurred to me not long after I arrived in the USA (in August of 2003) that there is very little difference between the fundamentalism of American life and the fundamentalism of the lives of Islamist extremists. Americans, like the Islamist fanatics, have their shibboleths, their idols, their sacred cows. And to threaten them in America yields the same results as does threatening them in Mecca.
What's in a Name? Among the ignorant peasants and political factions of Sudan, you can't name a teddy-bear 'Muhammad'. Here, you can't say the word 'nigger'. If you do, the unthinking wrath of the common idiot will descend upon your life and destroy it. Why? Because niggers are sacred, holy, untouchable - and made so by the unreasoning and utterly unfounded guilt of Evil Whitey - irrespective of the fact that no one now alive owns slaves, has ever owned slaves, or will ever own slaves.
But the Holy Nigger of American culture is an exact counterpart to the Holy Prophet of Islam - something only to be named by the faithful who believe. No matter what the nigger does, no matter how many crimes he commits, he is always innocent - because he is perpetually the victim of Evil Whitey.
I don't think any of you will ever grasp the degree to which you remind me of the very worst kind of children. "He did this to me so it's OK for me to do that to him". No, it's not OK. But the worship of the Holy Nigger is only one part of it. There is your attitude to religion.
What's in a Religion? The difference between the attitude of the average American to his religion, and the attitude of the fundamentalist raghead fanatic to his religion, is simply this: Americans are too squeamish to kill for their God. But in every other way, in the controversies over meaningless nonsense such as whether the Ten Commandments are to be displayed in public buildings, or whether religious precepts are to be taught in public schools, you remind me irresistibly of those same fanatics who debate how jihad is to be applied. Your attitude is their attitude: religion is the key to life. I'll tell you the truth: your 'religion' is a perverse nonsense compounded equally of greed and fear; just as theirs is a perverse nonsense compounded of resentment and fear. And the great difference between you is no more than this - they are willing to die, and to kill, for their faith, and you are not.
Here on JU there was recently discussion of the unreasonableness of the recent controversy in Sudan in relation to a foolish teacher. How does that unreasonableness differ from your lack of reason in relation to abortion? A man kills a pregnant woman and her unborn child. The killer is guilty of a double homicide. But if a man rips a perfectly viable child from a woman's body and does so while wearing a white gown he does nothing but perform a service for money. He's committed no crime at all. Just like the deranged fanatics who kill themselves and others for their God, you happily and willingly accept the destruction of life in the interests of what you value most - unmitigated individual liberty, and profit.
You rail against the teaching of Islamist Mullahs who preach hatred for the West and America in particular. But you tolerate your own homegrown Mullahs, the likes of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and that detestable propagator of race hatred, Farrakhan, with barely a murmur of protest. You decry the concealment and oppression and coercion of life in Islamic communities; but you practice the same oppression. the same coercion, in relation to anyone who dares breathe the word nigger in public - and this in the land which gave birth to to the idea that all speech is free.
You decry the fanaticism of Islamic communities and Islamic leaders; yet you bow slavishly to to the fanaticism of the DNC, the NAACP, and the ACLU, all of whom exist only to tell you that certain words, certain ideas, are not to be spoken and not to be thought. You claim to be free, and are in fact slaves. Slaves to your own laziness, to your intellectual and moral cowardice. Slaves of comfort, and slaves of greed. You believe you live in a Republic - but have no ide what Republican virtues are. You believe you live in a democracy - but have no idea what Democratic virtues are. You believe you are fee - but at every turn bow to an authority that rightfully belongs only to the citizens of America, which has been usurped by every self-serving demagogue who has been able to catch your ear.
And instead of insisting that your lawmakers and leaders obey the law and Constitution your only recourse is that of children - foot-stamping hysterics dignified by the term litigation. Everyone of you is outraged by something - whether it be air-hostesses singing eenie-meenie-miney-mo or the thought that Black racists who beat a White child half to death in public should be forced to suffer the consequences of their actions. I sometimes think that I'm the sole adult in America, so unspeakably self-obsessed and foolish are the people with which I'm forced to deal everyday.
Let me explain something to you, idiots. There is law, there is crime, and there is obedience to law. Those who break the law by beating a citizen in the streets are worthy of punishment - whether their skins are black, white, or pink with little yellow polka-dots. It doesn't matter what incited them to commit their crime. What matters is whether, under law, they committed a crime or not. Nor does it matter what the Mullahs of American racism tell you about that crime. If it occurred, and in the case of the so-called Jena Six it undeniably did occur, then those who perpetrated the crime are worthy of punishment. Only in America can the Holy Nigger who beats a citizen in the street become a hero of something called 'Black Consciousness'. Only in America would the foul demagoguery of an arch-manipulator of prejudice, guilt and fear, such as Al Sharpton, be tolerated and celebrated.
The situation of America is not entirely without hope, however. There is no difference between you and the Islamist fanatics in the structure of your bestial hatreds and prejudices (though there is a very great difference in the objects to which those hatreds and prejudices apply). But there is a difference between you in that, in America, there is a tradition of civility/ Civility is no more than the behaviour which becomes a cives, a citizen of the Republic. That tradition involves the acceptance of the rule of law (as opposed to acceptance of Divine Inspiration as the sole guide to correct behaviour) and the acceptance of common-sense rules of behaviour in dealing with others. To put it at its simplest and least complicated, civility is good manners; what the French call politesse. And Americans, even now, are the politest people on earth.
There are in American culture resources which will allow Americans to overcome their own basest and most self-serving fears and desires; resources which appear to be unknown to the murdering devils of Islam. But nothing will be achieved unless Americans unite around their own best principles and reject the greed, graft, corruption and self-serving indecision of their current 'leaders'.
The dream of America is very great. But the reality of America is a tawdry nonsense made up of equal parts of greed, fatuous self-satisfaction, impotent hubris, and fear. Her leaders have proven time and again, and are busy proving once more, that they are utterly incapable of obeying the will of her people, so that it falls again to her true citizens to teach them what that will is.
And there is precious little time left in which to do so.