Or, the reeking, self-serving 'witness' of the JU 'Christian' community
That detestable hypocrite; that self-serving egomaniac; that paragon of ignorant prejudice and prideful ignorance, KFC, JU's permanent godbotherer, has taken it upon herself to delete my comment on one of her threads, just as I knew she would. This is a link to her latest effusion, the vomit of one of the dogs referred to in the Apocalypse of St. John the Divine, also known as Revelations. (Link)
This is the copy of my response to the idiot nonsense this wannabe 'teacher' posted:
Reply By: EmperorofIceCream Posted: Wednesday, April 04, 2007
I love the way Christians (or in KFC's case, 'Christians') invent miracles. And they have to be of this garden-variety and severely unimpressive sort because - has anyone noticed? - the really big, attention grabbing miracles (parting of the seas, slaughters of the first born, raisings of the dead and so on) just don't happen any more. Why? There aren't any real Christians left, that's why. Only watered-down pedants and self-proclaimed 'teachers' such as KFC and her ilk.
The 'god' KFC imagines is actually the equivalent of some detail obsessed paranoid megalomaniac, of the kind usually found inhabiting unpleasantly overheated offices in the DMV or the IRS. "Ah-ha. You don't have Form E49-3350/11010. So no, you can't fuck your girlfriend. No, there's no appeal process. But just for asking I'm going to personally delay the decision on your application for an application to refile."
Their living arrangement is not working for them I'd say which I find to be not that uncommon. |
Might the fact of their living arrangements not working have something to do with the interference of rabid little godbotherers such as yourself, KFC?
He instituted marriage right from the beginning, one man for one woman. |
Just how many wives was it that David had? And how many did Solomon keep? And, if the stories are to be believed, God seemed to have no problem with either case. But perhaps you'll tell me that the one man-one woman thing only applies to the NT dispensation? That God chose to let the poor benighted Israelites persist in the darkness of their polygamous sin until the Light of Christ was revealed?
Go right ahead. Do, please, tell me that.
Have you any idea how stupid you appear, when you post your idiot bigotries for all to see?
[End quote from original response.]
If this spineless creature were a woman of her convictions, a woman of faith, as she endlessly claims to be (her faith being the source of the authority by which she claims to be able to teach) she would have contested my position. She would have, were she not a liar, a fraud, and a hypocrite, have utilised the argument that states:
The phrase 'And they two shall become one flesh' (in relation to marriage) does not refer to the ceremony of marriage, which is instituted of man and not God. It refers instead to the spiritual reality involved in the physical act of sexual congress. Each time we engage in the sexual act we do indeed become one flesh. And each time we part from a sexual partner we deplete the wholeness of the union we enter into. So that, depending upon the number of unsanctified relationships we enter into we progressively deplete the integrity of our own spirit and deny the fundamental truth of scripture as it depicts the spiritual reality of our lives.
This is the essence of the doctrine of the spiritual nature of marriage as it is found in the New Testament, while being shorn of the prejudices of the Tentmaker. The truth of that doctrine depends, not upon its nature as an inviolate tenet of God-breathed faith (this same faith also depends upon scriptures which require the death by stoning of children who disrespect their parents) but upon the willingness of the adherents of that faith to surrender their critical faculties to the words of a sunstruck apostate, a traitor by his own confession to the faith in which he was educated and grew up. The faith of his fathers for which he was, again by his own confession, willing to kill others untill his conversion.
And such adherents, especially acolytes of the kind typified by that foul and disgusting wretch KFC, are willing to swallow this gross nonsense whole because it gives them power over the desperate, over the spiritually destitute, over those who turn to the illusion of Christ because they are convinced by the spiritual confidence trick perpetrated by criminals such as KFC.
Human beings hunger for the truth. For something real, something they can trust, something they can have faith in. It's hardwired into us, this hunger, because in everything the human brain perceives it looks for a pattern that can be replicated, predictably. 'Truth', in its its biologic origins, is no more than this: pattern. Which is why KFC and her spiritually moribund ilk find 'miracles' in the randomness of life. Certain types of behaviour (as, for example, 'Christian' giving) form certain patterns of incidence. To give is natural to a certain kind of 'Christian'. They give whatever they have in excess because its natural to them to do so: their entire theology, their eschatology, teaches them that it's better to give than to receive. Therefore it's no more than a purely predictable example of the nature of a certain kind of 'Christian' to give to the Church something that is no longer wanted or needed.
There is, in the example given in KFC's article, not the remotest suggestion of the supernatural, and every suggestion of an entirely predictable response to a situation in which more is possessed than needed by a good Christian woman.
Yet KFC hails the event as a miracle, as testimony to the direct intervention of her 'god' in the lives of non-believers.
Because, like most Christians, she is a coward. The non-appearance of the truly miraculous in the everday life of the world fills her with fear. This non-appearance of miraculous events is the most convincing testimony I can readily summon to hand of the utter fallacy, the total and complete untruth, of the nonsense this self-satisfied, self-congratulatory Whore-for-the jesus-she-thinks-exists depends on for her self worth. If she were really an adult she would understand that she has no more worth in the great scheme of things than does a cow-turd. She would also realise that, in a realistic scheme of value (as opposed to the nonsense under which we all labor) that the worth of a cow-turd is infinitely above that of diamonds, because while cow-turds fertilise the earth and lead to the generation of new life, diamonds are nothing but lifeless crystal.
KFC counts her worth infinitely above that of a cow-turd because she knows God, and a cow-turd does not. I, on the other hand, count her words to be of infinitely less value than cow-shit precisely because her words fertilise nothing, lead to nothing, and end in a dry legalism that says her Christ (not the Christ of the Gospels) is the Way, and the Truth, and the Life. Nothing could be less accurate. The 'Christianity" of KFC and her ilk is nothing more than the prejudices of the day given a religious cloak. For all her apparent erudition in the scriptures she has not understood this simple 'fact' of her own faith:
I require mercy, and not sacrifice.
Until she does, she will remain what she has always been since her first appearance in JU: a coward, a deceiver, a liar, and a wolf disguised as a shepherd.
May the love she bears for the Jesus she imagines be requited by something equally imaginary and infinitely more terrible. May it devour her, whole."