"If it's provable we can kill it."
Or, my One Hundredth article
Published on January 19, 2007 By EmperorofIceCream In Misc

Below is the text of a comment I posted in response to the linked blog entry on CiF, addressed to the blogger (follow the link to see what CiF is).

Wucker -

What part of the word 'illegal' do you not understand? Il or legal?

I'm a legal permanent resident of the USA. It's cost four years of dealing with bureaucrats and the better part of $10,000. It's a complicated, expensive, slow-moving process that will have taken seven years by the time I become a citizen. It's also the law.

I don't care how poor they are, how persecuted they are, how desperate they are; I don't care how many of them die in the desert on the way to illegal entry points into the US: they break the law as soon as they set foot on American territory and they should be treated for what they are - criminals meriting punishment.

What we ought to do is build a Guantanamo-on-Sea in American territorial waters. Like the one in Cuba but worse. Fox could make a show called 'Illegal Life' and beam footage of the hateful existence of the inmates (think 'muslims on acid') direct to Mexico, and interested Cable subscribers here in the US. And why not to Haiti and the Dominican Republic as well?

Because I guarantee the flow of illegal immigrants would drop to a trickle. And besides, anyone willing to risk landing in 'the G on the Sea' really would be desperate - and might be candidates for legitimate asylum.

I've no doubt the mere thought raises the hairs on your liberal and terribly confused head. I on the other hand am not confused at all, which is why my comment is satirical in intent. What pisses me off, though, is that it's actually a satire of the lax attitude of the Administration, and the electoral self-interest of politicians, rather than simply a satire of your confused, but very cuddly, opinion.

I really do think the Irish ought to eat their children. ##

We're Americans. We kidnap, illegally imprison, torture, and kill on an epic scale. And we look good doing it.

## [Editor's Note - that's a reference to Swift, for those who don't know it and would otherwise have accused me of defaming the Irish for cannibalism without apparent reason]

on Jan 19, 2007
"So, according to the Guardian's various contributors; the US is a nation of immigrants and so should accept more, while the UK is not a nation of immigrants and so should accept more."

My current favorite response to the original blog, by someone in the UK, going by the name 'silbuster'.
on Jan 19, 2007
I have to say that we need a guest worker program in this country. Our businesses profit from these workers. Our businesses recruit these workers. Many of the legal citizens in this country came from illegal immigrants just a few generations ago. This is not a new problem. I say give them a path to citizenship. Let them pay taxes and become full fledged members of our society. I know there is a criminal element but most are kind people, hard workers and very family oriented.
on Jan 19, 2007
Nor do we need a massive round-up and deporation of those here illegally. The problem would resolve itself within a generation or two if we could only stop the influx of new illegals by securing the border.

A huge percentage of illegal residents simply overstay tourist visas. Building a overpriced fence that already has gates cut in it for the illegal drug trade isn't going to change that. Not to mention as long as there are border partrol agents taking bribes to let people and drugs through, it doesn't matter how fortified the border is.
on Feb 04, 2007
I'm a little late, but congrats on your 100th Article!

on Feb 04, 2007

Bottom line though, is something is always better than nothing. Put the fence up, it's SOMETHING. Any little thing we can do to slow the tide of illegals will help, and all these little things eventually add up to a great big hassle, maybe hassle enough to turn some of them back, or discourage them from trying to come in the first place.

The thing about preventative measures though is that they only work up to a point. Immigrants are by their nature fairly desperate. Unlike crowds, who can be directed with fences or even a rope, immigrants actually want to cross the line. The likelihood that they won't simply invest in a pair of bolt-cutters seems pretty low to me.

I mean can you imagine an immigrant going up to the border, seeing the fence and then saying, "Well, we came all this way from our godforsaken home village/city, but now that chainlink fence stands in our way let's just go home again. We'll never break through such formidable defences."

Now if the fence was mined, or made use of those automated sentry turrets the Koreans are building, or was made out of those carefully shaped concrete blocks that might climbing impossible it might be effective. But so long as it's merely a minor inconvenience it's not going to be an effective deterrent.

Immigrants are already braving all manner of inconvenience to get to America. A cheap fence isn't going to turn them back.